
Thursday, April 12, 2018

Day 43 / 322 Home

Saylorville Lake, Partly Sunny 66 Degrees

Home isn’t so much a place as a state of mind these days. I think it must be part of the transition from living in a brick and mortar home to be a full-time RV gypsy. It’s a sort of reckoning that you have once you have become truly comfortable with the idea.  To me home is my current location. Saylorville is where we met and spent a good deal of leisure time over the years. I lived and raised my kids in Ankeny the town that sits on the east shore of Saylorville. The stores are familiar, I know the backstreets around the heavy traffic and best of all I know the people.

Coming ‘home’ from our second winter away has been very comforting . Twice now I’ve heard my named called out while walking in public by someone seeing me back for the first time. That’s a true sign that I’m in my stomping grounds. It made me feel normal in a way.

I spent a good deal of the day outside and am soaking up the new environment. We are in wetlands, and timbered lakeside here. A big change from the prairie and oak savannah of southeast Texas. Volunteer Village is situated on a finger of land separated by the north end of the lake and the marina cove. American Pelicans, and Herring Gulls, and Blue Herons are flying overhead instead of Turkey Vultures and Black Vultures. The timber is alive with the songs of Robins, Wrens, Dickcissels and Woodpeckers. The Red Winged Blackbirds and Tree Swallows are busy by the lakeside. I was treated to a Black and White Warbler sighting today. The treat being, that I saw my first one in Texas this winter and knew that they only migrate through Iowa, so the window is slim to see them here.

Another very normal feeling is we will have grandkids spending the weekend with us, starting Friday evening. Nothing makes me feel more ‘home’ than that.

Until tomorrow…


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