
Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Day 42 / 323

Saylorville Lake, Cloudy 60 degrees

Re-entry is busy as expected. People ask what it's like to move about when you are full-time. It's a bit exhausting to some degree. We know people who rarely stay anywhere more than 3-4 weeks, so we consider our brand of full-timing to be rather leisurely, relatively speaking.

We have seen two of the three kids and will see our other son and his family on Sunday. We have two overnight visits with grandkids on the books for this weekend and the cats are feeling right at home. Animals amaze me with their heightened instincts and senses. They can smell their lingering scent here and are more relaxed than they have been in some time.

[caption id="attachment_694" align="alignleft" width="300"] Lakeview from the RV[/caption]

I am taking in the view of the lake from my dining room table as I write. The trees have not leafed out, so we can see the old squirrels and oriole nests and the lake through the bare branches. The grass is still dormant. Pelicans are migrating and other shore birds are visiting the mud flats on the north end of the reservoir to rest and feed before they moving on. The bird calls are quite different than my ear was accustomed to in Goliad.

Volunteer Village has 5 of 12 volunteers here and more will be arriving as the days go on. We'll  continue with visits and getting our little yard set up. We had success with the satellite dish today and are feeling normal again with 200 channels of crap we don't want to watch instead of only 23 channels of crap we don't want to watch.  We will both start working, Champ here at the Lake and me in town for friends, on the 23rd. I will be writing the news letter for the lake this summer and work in the butterfly gardens when the time comes to start working on them.

In the meantime I will relax and enjoy a second spring awakening here in Iowa. It's late this year and much-anticipated by the weary northerners we shamelessly leave behind in the fall.

Until tomorrow...

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