
Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Day 41/ 324 Homecoming

Des Moines, Iowa 55 degrees and sunshine

Three days later than we hoped we finally made the last leg home today! We enjoyed the first tail wind we have had with the motor home. The south winds pushed some warm air along with us. We arrived back at Volunteer Village with a beautiful view of Saylorville Lake and the timber behind us. John Denver has always been my guilty pleasure of music. I have had the old song 'Back Home Again" playing in my head all day.

We received a warm greeting from other returning volunteers who arrived ahead of us and took advantage of the sunshine to get some yard ornaments put out. I couldn’t help but smile when I hung the camper windchime that Desiree’s girls gave us when they came to visit us at Goliad. I love sentimental things like that.

Mom came out to visit for a bit and Champ is fighting with the satellite dish. When we move across the country it takes more patience than either one of us have, to get it readjusted to the new geography. Antenna TV for one more night is the price of our impatience. Casey’s Taco Pizza is on the menu for dinner, then it is over to my daughter’s house to reunite with their family. Hunter does not know we are back so when he gets home from baseball practice tonight he’ll get a fun surprise. He knows its near, but he doesn’t know its today. The first of the homecomings was pretty cool for these homesick grandparents.

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The next few days will be a flurry of visits with kids and friends and we’ll settle into our summer routine sometime next week. After a longer than anticipated trip home, our hearts are happy as are the cats.

Until tomorrow…

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