
Saturday, April 7, 2018

Day 38 / 327

Leavenworth, Kansas 26 degrees

Wow, what a change from what we left a few short days ago. Today's answer to the $64,000 question is 'Sometimes you don't know where you will be at the end of the day'

Today was one of those days. We got up at 6:00 am thinking we were going to have clear weather to drive to Leavenworth a day earlier than the previously planned two-day delay.  Did you follow that? I barely can this week.  At 8:00 it started snowing and by 10:00 we had freezing rain and it was a blistering 29 degrees. We were just about to resign ourselves that our newly hatched plan to move today and be situated further north for the next winter blast, was caput.  At 11:45 the sun came out, the temp quickly rose to the upper 30's, the roads going out of OKC cleared up and in a matter of 15 minutes we decided to go for it.

We arrived here around 7:00 and were treated to an evening with my cousins. A late dinner out and the first balanced meal I've eaten off real dishes in 3 days ended a frustrating day. We'll have to endure some more icky weather but we'll be having a good time with Jeff and Kathi while we do it.

Patience was the key word of the day. Not something I'm very good at. It all turned out and we will eventually be back in Iowa. I'd like to say when, but it will probably change a dozen times so we'll just enjoy our time here and 'Roll with the Changes' as the REO Speedwagon song says.

Until tomorrow...

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