
Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Day 34 / 331

Lago Vista, Texas Partly Cloudy 77 degrees

Answer #34 to the big question...   It's damned sad sometimes. I won't sugarcoat it. The life of a full-time RV Volunteer does have a bit of a dark side. You live an exciting life moving around different places and doing all kinds of new, cool things and meeting some really interesting people. Along the way you meet people who you truly connect with and you wish you had been their next door neighbor for 30 years.

Today was a really emotional day for this empath. We said 'til we meet again" to the awesome staff at Goliad State Park and with a tear in my eye we pulled away. At the same time we were excited to make our first stop here in Lago Vista to spend the evening with friends we made here last winter. We've seen John and Cathy and Peggy and Lloyd a couple of times since leaving Texas last spring and feel a real connection to them. We had a great evening together and then the elephant in the room, the 'goodbye' had to be acknowledged. We aren't sure when we will cross paths the next time. Thank god for technology to help us stay connected. We have exciting plans for ourselves in opposite corners of the country the next 12 months. We visited with another couple who know a couple who work at Saylorville with us in the summer time. A reminder of how small the world really is.

We are looking forward to stopping in Kansas to visit with cousins for a couple of days and then the pot-of-gold and the end of the rainbow in Des Moines were we will reunite with our family and old friends for the summer.

What's it like?  It's an emotional roller coaster much of the time. We meet people, connect and then have to learn to let go. We go home for 6 months in the summer and let go again each fall. Of all the prices full-time RV'ers pay, this is the steepest. I wouldn't change a thing though. I can't imagine a world that I didn't know Cathy, Peggy or Desiree. I am so much richer for knowing these women and that wouldn't have happened if I was idling away in my old house and grinding along in my old  career.

I say all of this, knowing that our families and friends at home are paying the same price for our adventure letting go each winter. The difference is they did not get to choose it, but they love us enough to support us and that means everything.

Until tomorrow...

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1 comment:

  1. So happy you had another great winter experience, away from cold, gray days & shovling snow. Have fun with Jeff & Kathi, then HOME, at last, to Iowa & family !
