
Sunday, April 15, 2018

Day 46 / 319

Saylorville Lake - Light Snow 31 degrees

Every seasoned full-timer we have met, has shared a story of being in the path of an unseasonable snowstorm. None of them tell the story with any warm fuzzy feelings about the experience. Now, just 19 months in we have our own story to tell about having to put up with the very weather we work so hard to avoid.

The worst part of this mid-April assault that dropped 4" of snow in Central Iowa is, it foiled our plans to see our youngest son and his family today. It also deprived us of an overnight visit with Miss Nora. Bah Humbug. I guess I shouldn't complain, north of here they got nearly a foot of snow.

Aside from our general dislike of winter weather, the real problem is we no longer have clothing suited to these single digit windchills and several inches of snow between the door and the car, not to mention the messy parking lots. While the natives are going about their day, if a little perturbed. I’m inclined to hide inside till the sun comes back out.

Today has given the opportunity to binge watch all the Superman movies. I can’t help but look out the window at my little ‘yard’ and visualize all the flowers and vegetables I’ll be growing soon. Snow is sliding off the side of the motor home, taking with it the coating of Texas tree pollen that we brought home with us. At least the RV will be easier to wash once the weather warms up enough to do it.

[caption id="attachment_704" align="alignleft" width="300"] Buster knee deep[/caption]

I look at my cats and wonder what their memory is really like. Are they thinking the same hateful things I am about the weather? Or, are they just wondering what the heck happened to the grass? Neither one of them has walked in snow in over 2 years. I let them out the door this morning, untethered, knowing they wouldn’t go far or stay out long. I was right. Buster has been on the back of the couch most of the day scowling in a way only a cat can.

Maybe I should go out and shop for clothes for my upcoming, tropical vacation next fall. That may well put a smile on my face. At least I still have some winter tan left for trying on summer clothes!

Until tomorrow…

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