
Monday, April 30, 2018

Day 61 / 304

Saylorville Lake Sunny WINDY 80 degrees

Summer is in full swing! Champ reported to ‘work’ with the Natural Resources group this morning. He left on his motorcycle at 7:00 this morning with 57 degrees and sunshine. I started my part-time summer gig for my friends store last week and have settled in. Zack came to wave his magic wand over our AC yesterday and we are ready for the Iowa heat and humidity whenever it decides to come which could be next week or July, you never know around here.

My contribution to the park this summer will be writing two weekly newsletters and work in the butterfly gardens throughout the season. It sounds like I’m going to get a chance to help with interpretive tours of the gardens on weekends if I want to be involved in that, which I do. Nothing makes me happier than sharing my love of nature with someone who isn’t around it all the time. It’s fun to see someone get excited or inspired by learning something new about flowers, or animals or simply discovering a new area to spend time outside.

I am starting to duplicate parts of my former life in smaller scale. I found myself outside this morning before I left for work repotting a couple of house plants and getting some peas started in a pot. In the old days, it was very common for me to go work in my vegetable garden or a flower bed between the time Champ left for work and I had to get myself ready. There is a kind of comfort in finding my old life in this new life. The cool part is I get to decide which parts I want to recreate and which ones (like my old stressful career) get left in the proverbial dust of my gypsy lifestyle.

Until tomorrow…

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