
Friday, April 27, 2018

Day 58 / 307 Get a Hobby

Saylorville Lake Sunny Windy 73 Degrees

Friday, Saturday and Sunday will be my play days this summer. A natural progression into the contentment of the full-time RV lifestyle is finding yourself enjoying a new level of passion for an existing hobby or taking up a new hobby all together. It goes in the same bucket as retirement in general. Not everyone on the road is retired. However, many of us find we have more time on our hands. Contentment and hobbies seem to be mutually required.  The full-time lifestyle seems to be more dependent on the concept. Why? I think it is because we are more detached from routine and seeing the same people every day. Our down time is more isolated. When we are 1,000 miles from our native area and familiar people, we are more reliant on ourselves to keep occupied. Enter hobbies.

This morning when I was doing my yoga outside for the first time in Iowa this season, I was having trouble concentrating and issues with balance. Normally, outdoors yoga is to me like church is to others. I completely immerse myself in the sounds of the woods, the breeze blowing, the natural scenery around me and the energy that exists in the outdoors. In doing that my universe comes into perfect alignment. This morning I realized I was losing focus on the yoga practice because my ear was busy deciphering a cacophony of breeding bird calls. My two passions collided this morning and the birds won.

After years of shamelessly making fun of birders I have become one. The musician in me is particularly tuned into the calls. I realized the other day I am learning birds by my ability to hone in on a call amid all the other calls. I go searching for the bird making the noise and am learning birds, first by sound, then by sight. As a result, this morning I could not concentrate on my yoga practice because I heard a new call in the woods directly behind me and the urge to go inside and get my binoculars to see what it was won out over the deep meditative practice that I usually enjoy when get to do it outside. Now I need to learn to make the new hobby of birding let my love of doing yoga outside take the stage for 45 minutes now and then.

If you are a new full-timer and wondering why you aren’t in love with it, maybe the answer lies in the question, “What did you want to do when you were younger, but never had the time to do? “

Until tomorrow…




  1. I am enjoying your stories of Saylorville until we can be parked beside you again! Had to change up the schedule this summer, so we could see our new granddaughter here in Sioux City. We should be joining you near the end of May and we have another granddaughter expected in Desmoines in July.

  2. brittandchamp@yahoo.comApril 28, 2018 at 6:25 PM

    Looking forward to seeing you both! There are a bunch of new people this year. It's a really fun neighborhood! See you soon!
