
Thursday, April 26, 2018

Day 57 / 308

Saylorville Lake – Sunny 70 Degrees

If you follow me each day you probably noticed, I missed Day 56. This leads to my latest answer to the question, “What is it like to go full time?”  There are a lot of things that are no different than normal brick and mortar life. One of them is utterly losing track of time. Most people imagine that this life is a continuum of lackadaisical vacation days. Not at all.

Spring in Iowa is much the same for us as everyone else we know who leads a more traditional lifestyle. Spring was cool and wet when we arrived. We both nearly lost our minds from boredom the second week we were back. Snow, cold, plans cancelled, work delayed here at the park. We sat around watching TV and trying to keep warm, while our minds buzzed with all the stuff we wanted to get done as soon as we could work outside. Repairs and maintenance that need to be done to the motorhome and of course the start of our summer ‘work’. Once the weather broke this past week all hell broke loose.

This week has been crazy.  I started my summer part time job on Monday. I jumped back into the store with both feet and full throttle, the only way I know how. I’ve never been a dip-my-toe-in-the-water kind of girl. Yesterday was a whirlwind. I got up early full of energy, did my morning yoga and went to Volunteer Orientation at 9am with the other volunteers from around the lake. I ducked out a little early and went to work at the store and worked till 5:30. Upon my arrival home, I found an in progress happy hour taking place with old friends from last season and a new volunteer. How could I resist! Two hours later we retreated to the motor home for dinner and by 8:45 I was collapsed on the couch. I dimly remember dragging into the bedroom sometime around 9:00 PM.  At 3:30 a.m. I stirred awake and realized, I had forgotten to post in the blog.

[caption id="attachment_739" align="alignright" width="300"] Northern Flicker[/caption]

The whole time I have been writing this a Northern Flicker has been in this tree, not 20 feet from the open window I am sitting by, serenading me with his loud boisterous call. Not bad background music for getting caught up. Things get crazy. Sometimes I find myself going from absolutely nothing to do, to too much to do without even realizing it is happening. Just like the old days.

Until tomorrow…

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