
Thursday, April 19, 2018

Day 50 / 315

Saylorville Lake – Sunny 54 Degrees

Today was one of those days when I felt kind of normal. The sun came out and the wind didn’t blow so it was nice to be out and about. I did normal retired life stuff. I guess this will be one of those true “Day in the life” kind of posts.

I went to see my hair guru, who has been cutting my hair for some 10 years now. I first patronized her shop many years ago, when I was a banker in Huxley and was trying to win her business. I never did get her deposit business, but I did gain a very talented hair stylist with an awesome shop and such a fun personality that I still travel to Huxley during the months I am home. It’s kind of an event. Today I had her get out the lawn mower and lop of my shoulder blade length mop up to my collar. I’m all ready for summer with my wash and wear curls.

I spent the early afternoon with my good friend Joyce, who I missed terribly this winter. We had a nice lunch at our favorite beer destination in downtown Des Moines and poked our heads into a couple of our favorite shops in the East Village shopping district. I had the best Stout I have ever tasted today and believe me I have sampled many, many stouts around the country. It even had a cool name for my generation.  Oreo Speedwagon- Vanilla and Chocolate Stout. Heaven in my mouth and made in Clear Lake, Iowa. I’ll have to figure out how to buy it bottled.

What made me feel most normal was my daughter left work sick today and called us for help. Since we are here and not 1500 miles away we were happy to be able to go pick up her kids from school and daycare, do her dishes that she isn’t in any shape to do today and take the kids out for dinner. My son-in-law was buried in work today. It felt so good to be here and able to step in.

Not a bad day in the life of this full time RV gypsy.

Until tomorrow…

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