
Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Day 48 / 317

Saylorville Lake Sunny 52 degrees

The nice day today was the window of opportunity to get up north to visit our son and his family. Sadly, it was also that tease of a nice day at the end of an Iowa winter that won’t let go that everyone knows will be followed tomorrow by another snow storm. As disgusted as we are with the weather since our return, we aren’t half as weary from it as our family and friends who have endured a terrible winter season. In this part of the world it is quite possible that in less than a month we’ll go straight to humid 90’s with virtually no spring having taken place.

When we left last October, Nora was on the cusp of a major learning and growth spurt. We travelled about an hour and half to visit her and our son and daughter in law. The blizzard last weekend kept them from coming to us as was planned. Today was the window to get up there and see them. Both had the day off today and we haven’t started our seasonal work yet, so we seized the opportunity.

[caption id="attachment_713" align="alignleft" width="300"] Nora and Samantha after school[/caption]

Much like our other three-year-old grandchild, it took her a bit to put the pieces together and remember who we were and decide it was okay to let us play with her toys with her. She has changed so much in six months. Her vocabulary has exploded, and she has grown almost a head taller. By the time we said goodbye at the restaurant where we went to dinner she knew we were grandma and grandpa again and had the ever so sweet toddler bye-bye and kisses. My heart is happy tonight. We still have a lot of family and friends to reconnect with but finally we have seen all three kids and most of the grandkids.

This summer we will not work any weekends. My expectations are high that we will see everyone a lot more. We have dates on the books already for family gatherings and one wedding to attend so far. Warm weather goes by so quickly, the schedule is filling up with all the fun that goes with summer and being as close to our roots as we get these days. We’ll endure another shot of cold wet weather tomorrow and hope that it is the last.

Until tomorrow…

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