
Saturday, April 14, 2018

Day 45 / 320


Saylorville Lake, Rain 36 degrees

The debate about whether climate change is human influenced or simply a matter of cycles, is a wild as the weather in Central Iowa this week. Last night the weather advisory map included blizzard warnings and tornado warnings simultaneously. Both materialized. While people were getting their roofs blown off in Jefferson, others were in white out blizzard conditions in Spencer about 100 miles north. In our digs right smack in central Iowa the order of the evening and all day today was ice water rain. Remember the ice bucket challenge? It was like that taking the garbage out today. In my opinion, the worst weather condition to tolerate if one must be outside. We have record late season snow on the way overnight tonight. I envy those who are still in southern climates, postponing their arrival to their northern roots. At the same time, I do not envy those we know who will stay in those climates in July and August. Here’s the thing, there is no more common thread that runs among snowbirds as the strong desire to avoid temperature extremes. We are a finicky bunch when it comes to weather. Most of us are native to climates of extremes and migrate one direction or the other in spring and fall to avoid them.

This time last year, Volunteer Village was nearly full. This year, there are only five of twelve sites occupied and 2 of those are campers sitting empty, because the volunteers who will eventually occupy them aren’t stupid enough to stay in them! We spent the past 24 hours with Hunter and Isaac spending quality time in the great indoors of the motor home. It was a blast. The boys recognize the place and remembered the big playground and the beach, a stones-throw away from our patio, and longed for warmer days, just like me.

Until tomorrow…

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