
Saturday, March 10, 2018

Day 10/355

Goliad Texas - 89 Degrees Sunny

What is it like to be a full-time RV Volunteer?  Well today I would say it is about gaining an entirely new perspective of a busy campground.  We are seasoned guests, today I found out what it's like to be staff.

This weekend marks the beginning of Spring Break in this part of Texas. Unlike Iowa where it is an opportunity for people to flee the enduring winter weather for points south, in Texas it is  the big camping season kickoff.  The park is filled to capacity with families and large scout troops.

With Champ still recovering I worked solo today. Talk about a game changer! We take care of 10 bathrooms, 4 with showers. Ordinarily it is an uneventful hour and a half to begin each work day. The campground, to now, has been populated mostly with snowbirds in big rigs with their own facilities. This morning was a whole new ball game. With the tent pads sold out and most of them at max occupancy of 8 people the bathrooms were an all day job. Cleaning took 3 hours then I spent the rest of day patrolling,  stocking, restocking and driving around the park answering questions and giving directions. I took a couple of breaks to sit in the shade and watch birds and did make it up to Market Days on the town square for a bit over my lunch break.

I finished my day with a new appreciation for camphosts at parks we have camped in on busy weekends, and the amount of effort they put forth keeping the bathrooms stocked with TP and generally clean for us to use. It was fun to watch everyone enjoying the park.

Tonight, our Interpretive Ranger is holding a Night Sky event with telescopes and laser pointer to teach people about constellations. I am on gate survey duty from 9-10 then my time will be mine until Wednesday. There is no doubt I will sleep good tonight!

Until tomorrow...


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