
Friday, March 23, 2018

Day 23 / 342 Event Eve

Goliad Texas - Sunny 78 degrees

Answer #23 to the big question:  You get to be behind the scenes of wherever you are.

Today is the day before the Goliad Reenactment Event.

The park is teeming with energy today, getting ready for the biggest event of the year.  After our usual morning rounds we helped the rangers finish getting the battlefield area cordoned off for tomorrows three battle reenactments. We gathered up barricades, cones, posts rope and paint and headed over after lunch. 

[caption id="attachment_593" align="alignright" width="300"] Wildflower field today Battlefield tomorrow[/caption]

What is currently a big open field between Presidio La Bahia the highway will become the scene of the skirmishes and battles this weekend. The wildflowers will succumb to canon wheels, horse hooves, gun powder and fake blood.

The campground is filling up with people coming to either participate in the reenactment or be spectators. I was in town after work this afternoon at the grocery store and found myself in line with a veteran reenactor who happens to be camping in the park. We had a good chat. He was intrigued that someone from Iowa would come here just to volunteer and learn the history.

[caption id="attachment_595" align="alignleft" width="300"] Cavalry horse pre- event[/caption]

The Presidio is filling up with tents, canons being brought in on trailers  and horses lounging in the shade. Tomorrow they will be in the midst of battle and canon fire. Something tells me they all love it.


[caption id="attachment_596" align="alignnone" width="300"] Inside the fort walls setting up[/caption]

Tomorrow will be a very busy and long day for us, but this is what I came here for. I can't wait. In the meantime it's a great evening for a campfire with our volunteer companions before we get up tomorrow, eat our Wheaties, roll up our sleeves and "get 'er done"!

Until tomorrow...

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