
Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Day 13 / 352

Goliad Texas, Sunny 65 degrees

Today as I think about why it is so cool being a full-time RV'er , I have circled back around to the theme of immersion. I have written about it several times over the past 18 months. Getting off the crazy train gives you time to really notice where you are.

I have been spending time on the trails around the park on my days off. Today as I was returning from my morning bike ride is spied a woodpecker specific to this area and grabbed my camera and binoculars and walked back to the area hoping for a good look and a picture. I missed the Goldenfront Woodpecker but I made it a point to sit on that part of the trail for 30 minutes or so.

When you first arrive in a natural area you notice the obvious things. Today, it was the trees, grass, the river flowing nearby and the ever-present Cardinals calling. After sitting quietly for several minutes the rests of the area made itself known.

[caption id="attachment_555" align="alignright" width="300"] 1/4" small wonder[/caption]

Today I photographed the smallest butterfly I have ever seen. It is as small as my pinky fingernail. The flower it is near is less than 1" in diameter. I was amazed at its miniature size and it begged the question, "Do butterflies grow once they emerge from the chrysalis?" I've never given it any thought till now. I imagine they emerge a certain size and stay that way.  It will give me something new to research.  It's a beautiful thing to be able to stop and completely immerse oneself in a small space on the planet and discover the wonder of something like a butterfly the size of a house fly.  I wish I had learned to do that decades ago. 

Until Tomorrow...

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