
Monday, March 26, 2018

Day 26 / 339

Goliad, Texas  Partly Cloudy 81 degrees

Eight days and a wakeup till we depart. I made what is likely my last trip over to Victoria to pay homage to Walmart and H.E.B.   On the 30 minute drive back, my thoughts turned to the experience of being on the other side of the Park Host sign. It's been a lot of fun and interesting to say the least.

Reflecting on some of the odd requests, I chuckled at the memory of a woman who knocked on our door one Sunday morning, somewhat panicked asking if we had a plunger. After telling me they were on just their 3rd trip with their brand new travel trailer she informed me that their stool was backing up. I told her a plunger would not help her, RV stools don't work that way. I tried not to laugh or smirk as I told her the only way a toilet could back up is if the tank was full or not draining. Turned out they were on full hook-ups, but didn't know about the gate valve to make the tanks drain. Rookies ( sigh, chuckle, smirk) !

Another woman  asked us to come teach her how to scan her TV for channels. She told us they have always had one of their kids or grandkids around to do it for them and she couldn't remember how. Champ went down and stepped her through it as she took notes.

Just this morning, an older woman traveling alone in a motor home, was having trouble with her Ebrake light not going out as she departed. She stopped in front of our RV and asked Champ if he knew anything about them. As a mechanic he was able to look at it and he even got in and drove her around the campground to show her that the brake had actually released and it was safe to drive. She'll get the light looked at when she gets where she's going.

Mostly it's been people curious about our cats hanging out on their lines and laying in their own lawn chairs. Asking us what it's like to camphost and how we find the jobs. Or just stopping because we have Iowa Tags.

We have met so many interesting people this past 90 days and shared experiences, learned of their experiences and taken note of many things to try later.  It has been pretty fun being behind the sign.  We will however focus more on interpretive host and heavy maintenance jobs going forward.  We'd both rather be on the business end of a power tool than a mop anyday.

Until tomorrow...

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