
Saturday, March 3, 2018

Day 3 / 362

Goliad - Drizzle Overcast 70 degrees

When you first go full-time, it feels like a perpetual vacation. You start to feel weird when you realize you aren't going to go back to your brick and mortar home and the routine of your old life.

Although that feeling is starting to fade a bit, we need days like today to help us feel 'normal' .  We started our Saturday morning routine, which as camphosts at Goliad State Park, means our last work day of the week. Morning clean up routine, then today the task was to finish mowing and start prepping a room we are helping remodel for the next phase of work.  We worked till about 10:00 then the rain came and thwarted our mowing plans. We piddled around the shop till noon, then called it a day and retreated to the RV to be couch potatoes and watch movies the rest of the day. Ahhhhh!  Just like our old life, the rainy days make you rest. As I type the sun is peaking through finally at 5:30 PM.

Until tomorrow...

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