
Sunday, March 18, 2018

Day 18 / 347 Weight Assessment Day

Goliad, Texas Sunny 84 degrees

The weather in Texas looks like it is going to send us away the same way it greeted us in November, hot. By our standards anyway. The real heat will come after we leave.

Today was purge day. When you live full time in an RV one of the most important things is controlling how much you own. This is an ongoing process. I hear the horror stories of those who didn't know any better or didn't give enough respect to cargo weight limits. They aren't pretty. They involve axles breaking going down the interstate, suspension and tires failing far too soon. The most common misconception is that these big RV's are capable of hauling whatever you can fit in the storage units. Nothing could be further from the truth. One must pay close attention to how much your things weigh. I cringe when someone shows off how they can carry all their glass dishes without breaking them. Clearly they haven't considered how much they weigh. Not only is it an expensive mistake it can be very dangerous when rolling down the highway.

We started out within the weight limits. The rule is if we buy something new we get rid of something. There is no room to hoard things. When we get ready to travel after staying put we go through all the closets and storage compartments and assess, pitch and give away. It is not only necessary but also liberating not being weighted down, as it were. Yes, I have empty space in my closets.

Today was the third time I have completed this task. I marvel at how much we can accumulate sitting in one place for 6 months. I'm starting to wonder if I give more things to thrift stores, than I buy these days. I think its close to a wash.

Two more days off to relax then we start getting the park ready for the big Reenactment Event on Saturday.

Until tomorrow...

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