
Sunday, March 11, 2018

Day 11 / 354

"What's it like to be a full-time RV Volunteer? "  Today's answer is,  you never know where you will end up from one year to the next. That's the whole point. Our commitment here in Goliad will end in three weeks. It's been a wonderful 90 days here and we've had another good winter in Texas but alas, it is time to move on to another part of the country next winter.

I am a unappolgetic history nerd.  History is what brought us to Goliad. HIstory will take us to Plains Georgia next winter. I got confirmation today from the Volunteer Coordinator at the Jimmy Carter Boyhood Farm, now a National Park Site, that we will be working there as interpretive volunteers next November 1 - February 1. It is a working farm with the old High School acting as the Visitors Center.   It will be our first time working for the National Parks Service and I'm pretty excited about it as I want to do more and more interpretive work. It suits my love of working with people and sharing my own passion for history with others.  Champ will work with me in the Visitors Center and also lend his repair and maintenance skills to the farm while we are there.  They will be good months to be there as two of their biggest annual events are held during our tenure for next winter. 

We are excited to have another corner of this great country to explore next winter. With no work committment for February and March we will be free to roam for 2 months before return back to Iowa once again.

In the meantime, the two biggest events at Goliad are happening during our last 3 weeks here. The County Fair and Rodeo,  and the Reenactment of the Coleto Creek Battle and Massacre of Fannin's Troops. We'll be ready for the solitude of the road when we leave here soon!

Until tomorrow...

1 comment:

  1. Wow - a completely different assignment next winter - different climate, different culture, different foods (well, same food, just prepared differently !), different topography. Should be a Very Interesting 3 months ! Glad you have next winter "secured", so you can enjoy summer in Iowa with family/friends/familiar surroundings. Have enjoyed your daily postings. HOPE Champ is healing nicely & gaining strength/stamina every day ! Love to you both Aunt Pat
