
Monday, March 12, 2018

Day 12 / 353

Goliad, Texas  Sunny  65 degrees

Things are settling back into a normal routine. Champ is healing nicely and starting to get some stamina back. I went for a walk  last evening and when I came back there was a pair of side-cutters laying on the kitchen table. If you know Champ, you already know that he had them out to try to remove his surgical staples! He decided they weren't ready to come out, never mind his follow-up appointment is not till the 21st when they plan to take them out. It's going to be a long 9 days getting him to comply with doctors orders. The good news is we have survived our first medical emergency.

I went out for a bird walk this morning. The river trail that has been closed since Hurricane Harvey last August, was opened  last week thanks to the hard work of the Rangers here. It was great birding, the trail has been closed for 7 months, the morning was sunny and about 55 degrees; perfect birding conditions. I saw the largest variety this morning, over 30 species, that I have any given morning so far this winter.

The stars of the morning were the butterflies. The migration is in full swing. I got a good look at a Monarch 3 days ago. The past week I see a new species almost everyday. The variety of Skippers is astonishing. With the wildflowers in South Texas coming alive there is plenty of food for them. This is a real treat for a butterfly lover. I am learning something about myself, I think I will be more a butterfly lady than a bird lady simply because it plays to my passion for gardening and the way the two are dependent on each other. I do love birds but I think the Butterflies had stolen my heart. I'll soak it up this winter, as I know that I am in a special place in terms of migration. I'll miss this next winter while in the SE corner of the United States. I'm sure there will be something special about that area to take up residence in my heart though.

Until tomorrow...

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