
Sunday, March 4, 2018

Day 4 / 361

Goliad Texas -Partly Sunday- Windy- 79 degrees

One thing I have always liked is exercising outside. During my working years I ate whenever time allowed at work and spent my lunch hour walking on a nearby trail or through the neighborhood where my office was located. I even bundled up in winter weather and headed out. I always had a gym membership to fall back on when the weather was rough but, never enjoyed it as much.

One of the coolest things about living full time in the RV and living in parks is the scenery for my favorite exercise venue changes periodically. I can do my yoga in the park without driving to the park or ride my bike on the trail without hauling the bike on the back of the car to get to the trail head. I don't have to put on a playlist of Zen style music to hear the sounds of water running, or breeze blowing and bird sounds in the background. It is all around me in the woods in it's natural form.

Until tomorrow....

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