
Monday, March 19, 2018

Day 19/ 346 Butterflies of Texas

Goliad, Texas Party Cloudy 78 degrees

I got to spend my day off yesterday taking some time to photograph some of the butterflies in the park. I had mixed feelings as I started to identify them. Several or butterflies that are in their northern range here in South Texas and I will not see them again until I come back. The happy part is I did get nice pictures of them to look back on when I want to reminisce about my time here.

The reality that we don't know when we will come back to Texas is starting to hit home with both of us. Intermingled with the excitement of knowing we are returning home to the kids in a couple of weeks and are looking forward to a new corner of the country to explore next winter, is the sadness that we will not see this part of the country or the people we have met and grown very fond of for at least a couple of years.

Scroll down and enjoy some of the Texas butterflies that I've seen while here.

Until tomorrow...

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