
Monday, March 5, 2018

Day 5 / 360

Goliad Texas  Cloudy 80 degrees

It happened this morning. The thing all women dread; the realization that they have indeed become their mother! In this case it's a good thing. Mom is a birder.  Back in the day,  I looked upon it with scorn in a way only an estrogen fueled teenaged girl could. Yes, it was cool to grow up in the woods and have a mother who could tell what birds were around by listening to the songs in the trees. But then when I was a teenager she got the bug big time and was going on walks simply to look at birds getting, excited over one sighting or another and actually keeping track of what she saw!  Gawwd!  I could have cared less back then.

Yet another great thing about stepping off the crazy train of the career track and camp hosting part time to finance this great lifestyle is that it forces you to slooowwwww dooowwwn. With time on my hands and the luck of working with the Harrington's last winter,  I have become a birder, just like mom was. Thank God my daughter is not a teenager anymore, though she may snicker anyway. That's okay. This morning I headed out with in and out sun and 70 degrees at 7:30 this morning. I was very excited when I got back having seen my first Black and White Warbler and got a great picture. But also ran across a Long Billed Thraser that I saw with John and Cathy recently but this time I got a much better picture.  I saw some 25 species this morning.   Thanks Mom!

Until tomorrow...

1 comment:

  1. That is a good shot of the warbler. This just goes to show we never know for sure what our children are learning when they're growing up. Thanks Brett that was a beautiful complement.
