
Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Day 14 / 351

Goliad, Texas  Sunny 72 Degrees

Three hours south of us, friends are likely hunkered down in the RV resorts avoiding te mayhem of South Padre Island and the throngs of college kids blowing off steam. Here at Goliad State Park we are busy with families enjoying picture perfect camping weather. The college students, who are here, I imagine are Environmental Science majors or some other 'liberal' type degree whose idea of partying is hanging out in the campground and playing their guitars around the campfire. It's like Haight- Ashbury without the drugs. Pretty cool if you ask me.

We have talked about the official Camphost gig, the job most people associate with being a workamper. So far we have done Visitors Center, maintenance and wildlife stuff.  This is our first experience as camphosts and we have found it to be somewhat of a double-edged sword. It is fun to be in the campground and not in a segregated area... most of the time. This past week it is a challenge because we are never really off duty. Someone can knock on your door pretty much any time of day or night, and do.  Bathrooms have been pretty uneventful up to now. However, it's been more than either of us cares to deal with the past week and will continue like that until we leave with all the events impacting the park traffic. We don't regret this job at all, but we have decided that we will stick to interpretive stuff and maintenance minus the potty patrol in the future. I have a new respect for the camphosts who pull bathroom duty year after year. What I do know from talking to them, is they would rather take a beating than do Interpretive Work and Public Speaking. I would rather do the Interpretive Work and Champ his blissfully happy fixing stuff. Running a campground truly 'takes a village'  in this case a Volunteer Village!

The doctors office removed Champ's surgical staples today and he is mending beautifully!

Until tomorrow...

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