
Friday, March 16, 2018

Day 16 / 349

Goliad, Texas  Sunny 87 degrees, humid

Holy cow did it get hot today. I broke official park dress code and changed into capri pants,  tied my button down ranger shirt at my waist and put on my flip-flops to finish out the day after lunch! No one noticed accept Champ who said I looked like a hippy camphost. I can live with that!

Another day of just trying to keep up with bathrooms and going in behind campers checking out and cleaning the fire pits. Talking to people and basically being ambassadors of good will out in the park is our number one job this week, with spring break and the rodeo going on right across the highway.

While I was taking a break this afternoon, I sat in the shade watching a bunch of butterflies working away on a patch of flowers marveling at the variety and taking it all in knowing I will leave in a couple of weeks. While I sat there I pondered whether the wildflowers are so abundant in South Texas because there are so many butterflies to pollinate them, or does virtually every butterfly that migrates come through South Texas because there is such an abundance of wildflowers to feed them along the way. Kind of a Chicken/ Egg question; the world may never know.

I know I am in a really special place in terms of butterfly and bird migration. Some of them will arrive in Iowa around the time we do and others will exit the migration funnel that is here and go to other corners of the continent. Maybe as we travel to different places we'll see some of these in their summer homes. Something to look forward to!

Until tomorrow....

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