
Saturday, March 31, 2018

Day 31 / 334 The Last Day

Goliad, Texas Sunshine 80 degrees

We worked our last shift today. The truck is back at the maintenance parking area. Our exit interview is scheduled for tomorrow morning. Wow, did that go fast!

[caption id="attachment_642" align="alignleft" width="225"] Desiree and I[/caption]

We spent last evening at one of the staff's homes having a great time with other staff, volunteers and her family and friends. We've worked closely with Desiree and become very fond of her. She is like a sister and it's killing me to leave her behind.   Such is the life.  I felt like I was home already. It was surreal in a way.  Enough food to feed an army, everyone having a good time, kids running around the yard playing games and of course Champ in the thick of the kids.  A fire going in the back yard made it hard to leave.  Way past my bedtime and a workday ahead I pried myself away about 11pm last night. 

I've been play with a new App called 1 Second Everyday. You shoot short videos each day, the software clips a 1 second piece of it. You compile compressed videos of your selected timeframes to show a slide show or time-lapse of your project. I'll put the video at the end of this past month here at Goliad through our eyes. I imagine it would be really neat for a babies first year, or a wedding planning year or any number of long-range projects. It's free to download.

We're headed to Goliad Brewery for one last craft beer before we depart on Tuesday morning.  I'm feeling very emotional today but we'll talk more about that and the people who are tugging at my heartstrings tomorrow.

Until then...

[video width="1920" height="1080" mp4=""][/video]

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