
Thursday, March 8, 2018

Day 8 / 357

Goliad Texas - Sunny 69 degrees

When I started this a week ago things were pretty uneventful. What a week it has been! We got a call last week from Champ's cousin Zeke, who lives in Kerrville, saying he and his wife would be in the area today. We made plans to see them and have dinner tonight.

Who would have thought on Tuesday, when Champ's appendix was deciding it wanted out,  plans would still happen. I returned to our volunteer duties today which consisted of a safety meeting this morning, daily clean up rounds, and mowing the day use area.  Since Zeke was in town and came to the campground to visit Champ I felt better about leaving him unsupervised.

[caption id="attachment_539" align="alignright" width="300"] Zeke, Roslyn and us[/caption]

Not that he can't take care of himself. The risk is that instead of resting quietly and allowing is body to heal he would likely do something like change the oil in the car or climb up on the roof of the motor home, with no one around to stop him. He is recovering quite nicely and even tolerated a quick dinner out this evening. I marvel at the human bodies ability to heal so quickly.

We are ramping up for a very busy last 3 weeks here. Spring Break, the County Fair and rodeo across the street and the Coletto Creek Battle Reenactment that will draw some 4,000 people to the park that day are all taking place between now and our departure date. Champ will continue to get a little stronger each day and the world will turn along with the campsites. Who knows what the next 51 weeks will bring!

Until tomorrow...

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