
Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Day 7 / 358

Goliad Texas - Sunny 68 degrees

The sun came up and the day is beautiful. The friendly, hospitable people of Texas and especially at Citizens hospital in Victoria took very good care of Champ and he came home around noon today. We have survived our first medical emergency away from home. A long running mystery was also solved. He has had mysterious come and go severe abdominal pain for about 5 years now. It occurred about every 6 months and would hit him hard during the night and generally last around 8-10 hours then disappear as quickly as it came leaving him tired and weak for 24 hours or so. He has seen the specialist several times with no answers as the symptoms were not active by the time of his appointment. Turns out the suspicion is that he has been suffering from chronic appendicitis all this time and it took acute appendicitis for it to finally be apparent. We feel very fortunate that he didn't suffer a rupture after the many flair ups he has had over the years.

The park staff has been wonderful and I will resume our normal duties tomorrow while he rests for a few more days. The challenge will be keeping him from overdoing while his incision heels. Wish me luck with that one! The cats are glad he is back, but Annie is upset that she can't lounge on is lap as she is used to doing.

Tomorrow his cousin from Kerrville will be in town for a visit. We won't be rolling up the sidewalks, as it were, but we are looking forward to seeing Zeke and Rosalyn for a partial day. If the rest of the month before we start to make our way back to Iowa is boring, that is okay with both of us!

Until tomoorrow...

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