
Thursday, March 22, 2018

Day 22 / 343 The Calm Before the Storm

Goliad, Texas  Sunny 75 degrees

"What's it like to be an RV Volunteer?" Answer # 22:  It's nearly impossible to find yourself in a rut.  Unless you've been parked in an unpaved site during monsoon season in the SW.

Today is the proverbial calm before the storm.  The 'storm' is the coming in the form of Reenactment, that will take place this weekend. I've been very excited since we arrived that we will be here for this event. The population of Goliad is around 2,000. They expect around 4.000 to attend this event that will be here at the park and the Presidio across the road.  It will be a long work day for us but we have been encouraged to take breaks and go watch the reenacted battles. I have seen one reenactment before and that was Gettysburg some 25 years ago. The park is filling up quickly with large groups of scouts, school groups and history nerds, my kind of folks :)  After 2 very lackadaisical days of 'work' we will be extremely busy the next two days.  Check out the website to see the details. It's worth planning a trip to see.

In the mean time Champ went for his Post-Op appointment yesterday and was given free rein to undertake most any activity he wants. He's healing like, well, a Champ!

Until tomorrow...

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