
Friday, March 30, 2018

Day 30 / 335

Goliad, Texas Sunny 79 degrees

[caption id="attachment_638" align="alignleft" width="225"] Huisache Daisy being pollinated[/caption]

You do a lot of counting down when you are a full-time RV Volunteer. In this week of lasts, we did our last round of night duty last evening. It was a beautiful moonlit night and still in the 70's even at 10 PM when we closed the gate. It was a busy one too!  Apparently Easter Weekend is a big camping weekend in Texas and many of our guests were coming from Houston, whose traffic was horrible even by Houston standards, the weary families told us as they arrived after 9:00 to set up in the moon light. We took some extra time driving around and taking in the atmosphere of the campground at night, knowing we will depart in four days.

[caption id="attachment_637" align="alignright" width="300"] Easter Flowers at GSP[/caption]

Today was a Chamber of Commerce Day as my favorite aunt puts it. The campground is alive with families.  I spent most of the day mowing the front grounds.  As I was mowing around all the patches of wildflowers, so they will give a good show to people driving down highway past the park, it occurred to me that the flowers are peaking just as Easter weekend is happening and they are actually the color of Easter Eggs! Pink, lavender, yellow, white and of course blue.

We are having a get together tonight at one of the Rangers' home with our Volunteer counterpart and some of the staff. My emotions are starting to swing wildly between the thought of letting  go of people I've become very fond of, (again) and the excitement of getting back to the kids and our friends and the closest thing we have to home, Volunteer Village at Saylorville Lake. Leaving Texas this spring is a different experience. Last year we knew we were returning this winter. This year we leave knowing we will head to a different corner of the country next fall and simply do not know when we will have jacks down on Texas soil (aka rock) again.

The cats are lounging in our 'yard' this afternoon, blissfully unaware that they are about the be uprooted again.

Until tomorrow...


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