
Friday, March 9, 2018

Day 9 / 356

Goliad ,Texas-  Overcast 69 degrees

Champ is recovering nicely and will hopefully return to duties with me next week sometime on light duty. I mowed again today. It gives me great satisfaction to be a part of making the park beautiful for everyone to enjoy when they visit.

Today's answer to the question " What is it like being a full-time RV volunteer?"  is   "You never know what you will learn from day to day."          

Everyone has that opportunity everyday of their lives, but in this life style with its constantly changing scenery and new jobs every  90 days, ones eyes are more widely open. It occurred to me today that this lifestyle is mostly about embracing new experiences and learning something new all the time. One never knows what will come up. Last year I got to help net and band birds. Very cool indeed! I will leave Goliad knowing how to adjust the flow valve on a commercial toilet and after helping hang 9 ceiling fans I can assemble and wire one in my sleep. Not that I had high aspirations of learning these tasks, but I can add them to my ever more varied list of skills. Who knows what I'll know how to do by this time next year!

Spring break is decending upon the park, who knows what the week ahead will bring!

Until tomorrow...



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