
Saturday, March 24, 2018

Day 24 / 341 The Big Event

Goliad, Texas  Overcast 81 degrees

Answer #24:  You get a front row seat to the events that take place in the park you are working in.

Today was the Reenactment Event of the Battle of Coleto Creek. This was the battle the spurred Texas troops to a new level of passion for their campaign that led to the battle, that ended in what we know today as Texas, becoming a United States territory.

The day was a busy one for us as volunteers. The Rangers we work for were very generous in allowing us time in between our rounds here, to go over to the event and take it all in. In addition to an entire encampment reenacted inside the fort walls, there were 2 skirmishes and the final battle that ended in the surrender of Fannin's troops reenacted throughout the day.

[caption id="attachment_615" align="alignleft" width="300"] Wilderness Lakes friends Gary & Joyce, Connie and Joel and us.[/caption]

A fun surprise for us was 2 couples, that we became friends with at Wilderness Lakes RV Park earlier this winter, attended. We got a chance to visit with them and watch the final battle together this afternoon.

Today was a culmination of all the history we have been immersed in since arriving in January.

It was cool to see the area we helped prep yesterday, turn into the huge event that it was today. The people were eager and engaged, the cannons were LOUD!  The costumes were elaborate and the reenactors  as authentic as they are passionate about their hobby of choice.

We have tickets to a candlelight tour at 8:30 tonight to get a feel for life inside the fort the evening of their capture and on the eve of their eventual execution on Palm Sunday at the Fort.

Below, enjoy some pictures from the event today.

Until tomorrow...

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