
Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Day 28 / 337 Obsessions

Goliad, Texas Over Cast Tornado Watch 77 degrees

Answer # 28 - When you do the full-time RV Volunteer gig you have time to feed your own quirky obsessions. Let's face it we all have them. In our professional lives and family raising years we don't have time to spend on our weird little indulgences.

Case in point, I can't pass a flower bed or landscaped area and leave a weed winking at me at the edge. I stop and pull it. I can't explain it but I feel like I have to do it. When I had my own yard, a simple walk around the house to look at my flowers could very easily turn into 2 hours and a bunch of tools drug out of my garden shed.  It happened to me today. I was killing time standing outside the Head Quarters building while Champ talked to Walter about the days plans and decided to bend down and pull a thistle that has been bugging me for days. Then I pulled all the little pathetic blades of Texas grass trying to grow in the mulch. Then I started pulling the clover out of the crack in the sidewalk. Next thing I knew Champ and Walter were on a mission and I had a big garbage bag out of the truck and was going to town on that whole side of the building. An hour later I had the bag full and was sweeping the walk. The beauty is I had time to do it.  Most people hate weeding, I find it quite therapeutic and satisfying. That's the thing about being a volunteer at a park. Practically anything you decide to do is appreciated and goes to making the park look nicer, even a subtle thing, like picking clover out of a crack in the concrete, makes a difference.

With no deadlines to meet, projects to  complete, project progress meetings to attend, sales quotas to satisfy or endless spreadsheets to update, there is time to do what makes me happiest. Feed my weird little obsessions, like pulling weeds.

Until tomorrow...

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