
Friday, March 2, 2018

Day 2 / 363

Goliad, Texas  Sunny 77 degrees

Today is what my Aunt Pat calls a Chamber of Commerce Day. As far as camp hosting goes it was also ideal. After morning routine of checking the five bathroom/ shower houses the fun began.

We spent the day on the 60" front mount, diesel-powered ZTR fire breathin' commercial Grasshopper mowers. ( Do you hear Tim the Tool man grunting?) Spring is in the air in SE Texas.  Temperatures are in the upper 70's, light north breeze wafting the smell of fresh-cut grass and a faint smell of wild onion around me as I mowed the campgrounds. I'm seeing new wildflowers open and a new butterfly migrating through almost daily. Days like this make up for the 2 weeks we worked outside in upper 40's and drizzle in early February.

Headed to Goliad Brewing Company's outdoor food, beer garden venue with our volunteer companion and his wife to finish out a perfect day.

Until Tomorrow....

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