
Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Day 27 / 338

Goliad, Texas Cloudy 80 degrees  with storms coming

It's an unsettled day in Texas. Much like that June day in Iowa when you know big storms are coming that evening. My thoughts today about 'What it's like to be a full-time RV volunteer" have gone to the accumulation of new things one learns and experiences.

In Mathis, I ate my first lemons fresh off the tree. The difference is akin to having that first tomato off the vine from your garden after eating store-bought tomatoes for months.  Or, coming to Iowa and eating sweet corn, picked that morning, for the first time. I never knew a lemon could be so sweet along with the tartness.

Here at Goliad we quickly learned to tell the difference between Harvester, Fire and Leaf Cutter Ants. I've never given much thought to ants unless they got in my house, or invaded the kids sandbox back in the day.  A quick glance at the behavior and pattern of movement tells me what kind they are and whether they need to be eradicated from the area or left alone. I will leave Texas with less than warm fuzzy feelings about fire ants after my encounter a couple of weeks ago.

The main event for our winter was coming to the birth place of what we know as the State of Texas. I knew there was interesting history to learn here but, WOW!  I've never experienced such densely concentrated history in this small a geographical area. The really cool part was meeting a woman in a local museum who is a direct descendant of those who lived and farmed here when the history was being made.  Even my nine years living on the east coast didn't leave me feeling as immersed in history as I feel here.

Everywhere you go as an RV Volunteer opens the opportunity to learn and try something new. Likely, something you haven't given any thought to until it presents itself in the midst of an ordinary day.

Until tomorrow...

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